Moonic's notes

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

vinoserver and large files

My morning started with the troubles. NX did not work for mysterious reasons, and svn server reported an error. The first thought comes to mind that this somehow have to do with a full diskspace. So, it could be helpful to search and remove very large files:
find / -size +10G -ls
Didn't solve the problem of disappearing free space though. Thanks to
it became clear that vinoserver was under attack. To avoid a reboot, look for the vinoserver process:
ps -eaf |grep vino
kill with the corresponding process id, and don't forget to delete log file:
which by now probably filled up the entire diskspace.
And even though the file was removed, the available diskspace did not change.
This is because some processes keep the "deleted" files open. To find this out, run
sudo lsof | grep deleted
Askubuntu was helpful with vinoserver trouble [link] and find command [link].
Stackexchange helped with the information about deleted files [link].

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