Moonic's notes

Friday, December 30, 2005

Gott nytt år!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

pi calculus

The Pi-calculus is a theory of Mobile Processes.
Some useful links:
Pi calculus on Wikipedia
Theory of Distributed Systems (course COM3190/COM6890)
Mobile Processes
Pi Calculus for SOA
Comparing the Expressive Power of the Synchronous and the Asynchronous pi-calculus
Pint, an Erlang-based pi-calculus platform (tool)

Friday, December 23, 2005

LaTeX tip #5

To properly number equations under eqnarray tag use the following pattern:
Math stuff & more math stuff & more math stuff \nonumber\Math stuff & more math stuff & more math stuff \nonumber\\end{eqnarray}

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

LaTeX tip #4

Tip below requires the amslatex macros.
These are automatically loaded if you use the amsart documentclass, but if you use other documentclasses, such as article, put the following in the preamble, after \documentclass{...}: \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} .

Theorem and Proof enviroment can be done in LaTeX as follows:

\newenvironment{Exc}{\begin{Task} \rm}{\hfill $\Box$ \end{Task}}

More on the same topic: LaTeX tips: Theorems

Sunday, December 04, 2005

LaTeX tip #3

One very useful tool in displaying equations well is eqnarray, which allows you to neatly align a string of equations:

2x^2 + 3(x-1)(x-2)&=&2x^2 + 3(x^2-3x+2)\&=& 2x^2 + 3x^2 - 9x + 6\&=& 5x^2 - 9x + 6

The * after eqnarray prevents line numbers from popping up after each line.

More on the same topic: Math in LaTeX

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Unary and Binary Function

A Unary Function is called with a single argument.
The domain of a Unary Function is the set of all permissible values for its argument.
The range of a Unary Function is the set of all possible values that it may return.

A Binary Function is called with two arguments.
The domain of a Binary Function is the set of all ordered pairs (x, y) that are permissible values for its arguments.
The range of a Binary Function is the set of all possible value that it may return.

Quoted from